Common reasons for not seeing messages are:
- You deleted your chat or mail thread with a user.
- The user blocked you.
- A profile was removed.
- You're experiencing a technical issue.
- Here are some tips to help: Check your Internet connection, clear your browser's cookies, try a different browser, and log out and log back in. If you still have trouble, contact our Support team with the user's ID, name, age, and the date and time of your last communication, and we'll help you find your conversation.
- The thread was hidden due to its inactivity.
- Our Technical Department is always working to improve the website. They've added a new feature to keep your conversations active and up-to-date. Now, any new messages or letters you receive will be hidden if you haven't responded within 24 hours. They'll reappear in your inbox if the user messages you again. Just provide us with the user's ID, name, and age, and we'll send you a link to your conversation.